What I learned from watching "Friends"

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And the word is: cohabiting. It’s no secret that living with another person is hard. Ask newlyweds or siblings or cloistered monks, and they’ll have a lot to say. Ask college students, and they’ll have even more.

RELAX! Tips on getting your mind off of school

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Having just finished finals here at Gannon, we asked some of our peers what they do to get their minds off of school and relax. Luis Pontillo, junior theatre and communication arts major: After spending my first year in college, I realized the chaos that is the life of a true student. Having lived within […]

Students Give Thanks for Support

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Since Thanksgiving is just days away, we thought it would be fun to find out for what students are thankful. Here’s what a few Gannon students had to say:   Emma Mancini sophomore, biology/pre-med major:I am thankful for my friends and family because they give me support no matter what happens.

7 Ways to Make the Most of Fall Break

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For Gannon students, Fall Break gives you a chance to catch your breath mid-semester. Some students relax, some use the time to work, and some even hit the highway. Here are some of the ways to spend your Fall Break. 1. Hang out with your family. Seriously. They miss you a lot more than you […]

ASK EDGE: Student Questions, Student Answers

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Ask Edge is a new feature here at Edge where our editors will answer questions asked by interested high school students. Want to ask a question? Drop us a line via Twitter (@gannonedge), Facebook or email  at edge@gannon.edu. Or, if you’re on campus for a visit, submit your questions in the Office of Admissions. Colin […]

Sarah’s Big Plans and Big Screen Adventures

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I cannot believe it’s already July. Soon enough, my family and I will be on a week-long vacation to the Outer Banks in NC, and I’ll be packing everything that I need so I’m ready to move back to Gannon’s campus. However, there’s still a lot going on before either of these events, so I’m […]

Paris, Posters and Preparing for Fall

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Summer in Pittsburgh is off to a great start. I’ve really enjoyed getting to see all of my friends from high school, and it’s been nice to spend a lot of time with my family. I’ve already gotten to go swimming, which is one of my absolute favorite things about summer. Summer concerts are almost […]

Friends, France and a Summer Job

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Summer is finally here for Gannon students. Though it may seem like summer came too fast as we get ready to end the year and go home, we’re all ready for a much needed break from the daily stresses that accompany schoolwork and activities. I’m especially excited to have free time without looming deadlines or commitments. […]

Thriving and Surviving Freshman Year

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It’s kind of a shock to say that I’ve almost made it through my first year of college. I have worked my butt off to make it to this point, but it’s almost done. It’s 75 degrees outside – that’s how close summer is. It’s been one amazing journey, if I do say so myself. […]

10 Ways to Enjoy a Stress-Free Finals Week

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With finals week quickly approaching, we thought it was a good time to dole out some useful tips on how to stay stress free as the semester winds down. It’s wonderfully exciting to look forward to the classroom-free days of summer, but that can also make it hard to stay focused in school. Follow these […]