Z is for zoology

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Students who study biology must examine every living organism, from a single cell to the largest ecosystem – or all creatures great and small, as the poem goes. For those particularly interested in the processes and behavior of animals, Gannon’s zoology courses are surefire favorites. Taught by Dr. Edward Phillips and Dr. Steve Ropski, zoology […]

Y is for Yehl Ballroom

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Club dances, faculty lectures, grad school fairs, concert band performances…they all happen in Gannon’s Yehl Ballroom. Its high ceilings, elegant decor and central location make it the ideal space for big events on campus. But who is behind the name? The ballroom, on the third floor of Waldron Campus Center, is named after Msgr. Addison […]

X is for shakeXperience

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Whether you’re an expert in all things William Shakespeare or have only dabbled in his work, you’ll find Gannon’s shakeXperience worthwhile. The weeklong theatre camp for high school students is put on by the Department of Theatre, Communication and Fine Arts and annually takes place in July. Participants collaborate in workshops in performance, text analysis, […]

W is for WERG

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Walking along AJ’s Way or lounging in Waldron Campus Center, students and faculty are treated to alternative rock courtesy of Gannon’s student-run radio station, 90.5 WERG. But the station doesn’t just provide music to the Erie community – it also serves as a learning workshop. Students involved with WERG develop skills in public speaking and […]

V is for Victor E. Knight

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KnightCallers, Knight Rider, MidKnight pancakes… Gannon’s Golden Knight mascot is a big part of the community. But who is the official golden knight? Victor E. Knight replaced Gannon’s old mascot, Drake, last year. Drake wasn’t as recognizable and could be confused with Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. So Gannon’s cheerleaders teamed up with the […]

U is for undecided/undeclared

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When you’re just starting out in college, it’s normal to be a little uncertain where you’re headed career-wise. In fact, 80 percent of college-bound students have yet to pick a major, and half who do choose one end up switching at least once, according to MSNBC. For those who aren’t quite ready to commit, Gannon […]

T is for Totem

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Totem, the university’s nationally recognized literary arts magazine, is a creative outlet for students and faculty alike. Published once a year, the magazine features original artwork, photography, poetry and prose — including fiction, creative nonfiction, plays and film scripts — by members of the Gannon community. An editorial board made up of students advised by […]

S is for Schuster

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William M. Schuster, longtime patron of the arts and Gannon University, left an endowment in 1997 to benefit the arts on campus. These funds go toward the school’s theatre, gallery as well as a couple of scholarships. Schuster’s namesakes – the Schuster Art Gallery and the Schuster Theatre – provide creative outlets for students and […]

R is for “Resurrection”

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Along AJ’s Way you’ll find a series of sculptures by Frederick Franck called “Resurrection.” Franck – a painter, sculptor and author of over 30 books on Buddhism and spirituality – was native of the Netherlands and a dental surgeon by trade. His work is featured in the Museum He describes “Resurrection” as follows: “This Sign […]

Q is for Quest

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Last spring the Office of Alumni Services began mailing small plush versions of Gannon’s mascot to graduates all over the world. The project, called the Golden Knight Quest, is meant to facilitate school pride through its widespread alumni network. An alumnus who receives a knight takes pictures – detailing its adventures at work, home or […]