Tips for Turning Around Your Semester

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So, you’ve passed the half way point. You’re already picking out next semester’s classes. But what about this semester? It’s not over yet. You still have plenty of weeks ahead of you. These weeks can be crucial. If you’re looking at an uphill climb to get your grades to where you want them, don’t worry. […]

5 apps every college student ought to have

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Smartphones are handy for looking up important info and finding your way around via GPS. Let’s be honest, though, the apps that get the most use by college students are probably Twitter and Instagram. I know I’m guilty. Here are a few that can help (rather than hinder) your studies: 1. StudyBlue puts a digital […]

Four point O-verconfident

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4.0 is the sum of 3.0 and 1.0, and also 2.0 and 2.0, and also 1.7 and 2.3, and also a lot of hard work. It’s also the GPA my dad and I agreed I needed to get for the remainder of my time at Gannon. It’s also the GPA I got last semester. This […]

A new approach to New Year’s resolutions

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Many people use the beginning of a new year to better themselves in one way or another. Setting a new year’s resolution can be a fun challenge, but it comes with great responsibility to hold true to this goal for an entire year. Normally I do not have a New Year’s resolution unless it’s something […]

A new perspective and GRE prep

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A new semester brings a new perspective on your studies, right? At least, it’s supposed to.  This time last year, I was getting ready to spend a semester abroad in Paris instead of returning to Gannon. This year, I’m not taking any major trips out of the country. Instead, I’m coming back to Gannon with […]

Embracing the excitement of first semester

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Introducing Edge’s new freshman blogger, Alicia Fassinger. Alicia, a sport and exercise science major from Pittsburgh, will be relating her experiences as a member of Gannon University’s class of 2016. Freshman year of college is one of the most exciting times in someone’s life – or so I’ve heard about a million times now. It is important […]