5 apps every college student should download

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We live in an age where the majority of us can’t go a minute without checking our phones. While lots of smartphone apps exist solely for entertainment, many can help with productivity, navigation, fitness and more. Here is a list of the five apps every college student should download. (And yes, “there’s an app for […]


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I consider myself rather tech-savvy. I’m pretty good at figuring out the basics and some shortcuts on a computer or tablet and I can fix a couple common errors on my laptop. I’m confident that I can manage anything with Windows that you put in front of me. On a good day, I’m decent on […]

An app for every occasion

1987 Views 0 Comment
A while back I wrote about the five apps every college student ought to have. While I was searching for them, I came across dozens more that had nothing to do with academia, but still seemed worth investigating. Some, like Flashlight, were purely practical. I even downloaded the Red Cross’ First Aid app. It seemed […]

5 apps every college student ought to have

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Smartphones are handy for looking up important info and finding your way around via GPS. Let’s be honest, though, the apps that get the most use by college students are probably Twitter and Instagram. I know I’m guilty. Here are a few that can help (rather than hinder) your studies: 1. StudyBlue puts a digital […]

Intuitive design: A 4-year-old with an iPhone?

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On my recent trip home to see my family for the weekend, I was momentarily baffled. As I was watching cartoons with my 4-year-old niece, she grabbed my phone and started searching silly YouTube videos about cats. I wasn’t baffled by the videos she found; I was baffled by how easily a 4-year-old could pick […]

AfterThoughts: Food, phones and Fringe

1983 Views 0 Comment
Here’s what the editors are thinking at the end of their first week back from spring break: Tyler Babcock, editor-in-chief: My iPhone 4S is sitting at FedEx. I’m stuck in the office. Sad panda.