Engagement Spotlight: RHA

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Hey guys! For this spotlight, I had the opportunity to connected with Hayley Woebse, a sophomore nursing major! The always-positive-and-full-of-life Hayley told me about a great opportunity to get involved on campus! RHA, or Residence Hall Association, is an organization dedicated to establishing a thriving community on campus. For students looking to get involved or interested […]

Scaly friends in on campus apartments

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One of the best parts about living at home is being close to your family pet. Those animals are often your best friends, providing love and unconditional support to you whenever you need them. When you move away to college, those pets can’t make the trip with you. None of the dorms on Gannon’s campus […]

Housing how-to’s

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Housing is something that can make or break a college experience. As a freshman in a new environment, you’re probably randomly assigned a roommate who may turn out to be a close friend or someone who is barely tolerable. However, going into your second year of school you’ll be able to pick your own roommates […]

GU students set new goals for new year

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It’s a new year and a fresh start for students at GU. Many students have some ideas as to what they would like to accomplish in the second semester. Take a look at what students have their minds set on for the spring. King Fatumbi, freshman mechanical engineering major: One of my goals is to […]

7 Ways Gannon Shares the Spirit of Christmas

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With the hustle and bustle of the end of the semester and the stress of finals week, sometimes that Christmas spirit takes a back seat in our minds. No worries though. Gannon provides many ways to bring the spirit of Christmas back to the forefront. Check out some of those ways right here. 1. Christmas Angels. […]

Calling All Freshmen: Enter Edge’s “GU Cribs” Contest!

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Now that our freshman class has had a chance to settle in and customize their living spaces, we’re hosting a contest to find the best freshman room on campus. Freshman residents of Wehrle, Finegan and North Hall can enter by emailing a photo of their bedroom to edge@gannon.edu by Friday, September 30, 2011. And it’s […]

Hipp House Demo Makes Room for Residence Hall

1974 Views 0 Comment
The saying goes, “Out with the old, and in with the new.” Well, that’s exactly what we’re saying here at Gannon this week. Demolition is currently under way at the Hipp Faculty House near the site of the new residence hall (visible in the background). Although it’s sad to see a piece of Gannon history […]

Prep U for GU: Packing Essentials

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Packing for college can be hectic and stressful, especially if you’re as disorganized as I tend to be. I remember as I was packing my room went from a typical bedroom to something that closely resembled a disaster zone. Hopefully my advice can help you prevent that scene from occurring in your room.

1,000 Words: Gannon’s Newest Residence Hall

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Gannon’s newest residence hall, located at 147 W. Fourth St., is well on its way being completed for the Fall 2011 semester. The 100,000 square foot, five-story building will house both upperclassmen and freshmen. Interested in seeing how the construction is going on a day-to-day basis? Check out http://www.gannon.edu/newreshall for the latest news on the […]

Student Voices: Where's Your Favorite Place to Study?

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Last week, Edge staffers went backstage at Gannon’s Schuster Theatre to catch up with cast members of  “Dancing at Lughnasa.” They’re actors, but they’re also students. In addition to learning lines and blocking, they’ve got to study, too. So, we wanted to know: “When you’re not rehearsing, where’s your favorite place to study?”