GUStaff: Summer Happenings

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With the school year coming to a close and less than one month left of classes this semester, people are already planning the trips and activities they will be doing this summer. Many students on campus have plans that range from going to new and exotic places, seeing a concert, or just taking time to […]

The double life of a college student

1994 Views 0 Comment
I’ve never really heard someone say, “Man, I’m sure glad break is over. It was just way too long.” To most people break always ends too soon, but I can honestly say that this time around I began to miss school. Sure, parts of school can be a pain – mainly the workload – but […]

Adventures out of the Shire

1990 Views 0 Comment
Thank God that Christmas break is getting closer. Like every other person on campus I am very much anticipating the break. That’s not only because it’ll be the end of classes and exams – and possibly the world – but most importantly “The Hobbit” will finally be released. I will at last have the time […]

Freshies, it’s cold outside!

1914 Views 0 Comment
Well, despite every lecture about college I have ever heard in my life, I never really understood how fast it would go by. I keep thinking, “How is it the end of the first semester?” Maybe it’s because it is freshman year, and we are all still getting used to it and all that jazz, […]

7 ways Erie preps for the holidays

1830 Views 0 Comment
Although this “great lake” town is known for its summers, its winter months are not given enough hype. Just as any community-based city would, Erie gets ready for the holiday season two months early. These seven basic attributions color the city during the holidays: 1. Lights. Beyond the decorations lining the streets of downtown Erie, […]

Trust me, I’m a doctor. Sort of.

1794 Views 0 Comment
Welcome! Come in, come in, please. Sorry to keep you waiting – so many patients to see, so little time. No, there’s no need to be nervous. Just relax and tell me what’s wrong. You’ve been feeling both lethargic and anxious lately, all right. When have you felt like this? Lethargic usually, but anxious around […]

Prep U for GU: How to Combat Homesickness

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For many students, college means traveling, whether you’re home is across the county or across the country. Even students who are not typically prone to homesickness may find themselves longing for home occasionally. There are a few ways to keep this pesky feeling at bay.

Why I Love Learning in Another Language

2010 Views 0 Comment
Getting back into the school routine after a good, relaxing break is difficult. It means you have to get back into the grind of papers, tests and projects for all of your classes. Even though it’s great to go home and see friends and family, I realized when I came back how much I missed […]

Pulse GU: Wrapping up Spring Semester

2337 Views 0 Comment
Hello again! As they say, time sure flies by when you are having fun. This has certainly been true for this semester, which is almost over, and I can’t believe it. It seems like just yesterday that I was driving back from Ohio to start the new semester after a long winter vacation. And now […]