CLICK-WORTHY: Small distractions from big decisions

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It’s that time of year when you are making big decisions, like where you want to go to college and what you want to do with the rest of your life. Here are a few links to take your mind off them: – Are you antsy for spring so that you can get back outside […]

CLICK-WORTHY: An aardvark from Erie?

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Whether you already live in Erie or are considering moving here for school, you may be surprised by the city’s eclectic background and culture. Read on to discover just a few of the most interesting happenings. – Have you ever seen “Arthur” on PBS or read the books? Did you know that the author/illustrator of […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Clicking in the new year

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It’s a brand new year, which can only mean one thing: brand new links for your reading (or watching) pleasure. – With MLK Day only two days away, it’s time we take a look at what the holiday really stands for. That’s why Gannon’s Center for Social Concerns wants you to check out this video.

CLICK-WORTHY: Sand Mand-whaa??

1957 Views 0 Comment
Holy October, Batman! September’s over and lots of stuff has already happened on campus this year. Since most of you weren’t here to experience that stuff… here’s a list of links to give you some insight on what’s been going on around Gannon.

CLICK-WORTHY: Fall Traditions and Fringe

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With the fall semester well under way, now is a good time to take a look at not only what Gannon did over the summer, but how we are kicking off the fall semester to make this year the best year yet. Here are a few links to give you a little bit of insight […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Useful (and Random) Links from Nicole Dohoda

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As the end of the semester approaches, and the workload teachers are assigning seems never-ending, sometimes all you need is a quick, stress-free study break to get your focus back. Here is a pre-packaged break just for you — put down your textbook and check out a few of these links — you deserve a […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Handmade Music and Philanthropic Sports

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What are you working on? Whatever it is, I’m sure you’ve been working hard and deserve a quick break. -This week in my theatre criticism class, the Rev. Shawn Clerkin asked us all to share some piece of art that we felt was sublime, meaning pleasing all and always. People had lots of different responses, […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Music, Money and a Kitten on a Slide

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Hey again! It’s that time once again where we’re servin’ up a fresh batch of internet gems to give you a little break from studying, working or reading up on all the goodies here on Edge. -Who doesn’t love music? I’ve always got my iPod in my pocket and I’m listening to something no matter […]

CLICK-WORTHY: Skydiving Photo Editors

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Happy New Year! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful holiday season. I’ve been thinking that to ease back into classes, it might be nice to see a few more internet gems that we’ve been checking out over the past few weeks. – Copy Editor Chelsey Klube turned me on to this one. She’s always […]