The Joe Show: Behind the Scenes of Edge Videos

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I’m usually behind the scenes of the Edge videos. I write scripts, do camera work and edit many of the videos. Editing takes a lot longer than anyone would think. I’m always bad at judging how long it’ll take. I say I’ll be able to edit in an hour and it takes me three. The […]

Eternal Sunshine: Where Are You Going?

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Life can be scary, that’s an undeniable fact we all have to face sometimes. But the thing that makes that a little easier is realizing that that ‘scary’ feeling can sometimes push us in directions of progress and change.

The Joe Show: Watching Movies in Class

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You may know I’m a communications major. That means I learn all about the mass media (TV, newspapers, advertisements, etc). Currently, I’m in a class that also has a lot of history and political science majors. The class is titled “History through Film.”

Eternal Sunshine: February is for Narrowing Your Choices

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I’ve been thinking about the timeline of a high school senior, and I’ve been figuring out where you might be in your college search process. Cause I’m nice like that. At this point, you’ve probably already sent in your applications (hopefully Gannon was one of them!), and you’re waiting anxiously for acceptance letters (Good luck […]

The Joe Show: The Wisdom of Santayana and Punxsutawney Phil

2004 Views 0 Comment
“To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.” —George Santayana So far, in Erie, we’ve had a fairly light winter. The week before winter break ended, I was expecting to go snowboarding at Mount Pleasant (only about 30 minutes from Erie) a […]

Eternal Sunshine: The “Between” Phase

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There is always that time between Christmas, New Year’s and going back to school that feels sort of strange. I mean – don’t get me wrong – I’ll take all the days off I can get before packing up and heading back north! But still, it’s that time after getting and giving presents where you finish […]

The Joe Show: A New Decade

1944 Views 0 Comment
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas; I certainly did! The holiday season is so full of hope and generosity. Christmas has passed, and tomorrow night we’ll be entering a new decade! I’m not sure if it’s the same for you, but for me, the past 10 years have come and gone like lightning.

The Right Choice: Left on the Dial

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“Erie’s Rock Alternative” is a phrase synonymous with Gannon University thanks to 90.5 WERG, Gannon’s on-campus student-run radio station. WERG offers an alternative rock format to the Erie area, something that no other station in the region does. Moreover, it has been giving Gannon students a competitive edge when entering the media workforce since 1972. […]

The Joe Show: I Recommend…

1871 Views 0 Comment
I recommend taking fine and digital arts classes in college. They’re usually fun and a good break from class after class of a specific major. Most of all, they offer life skills for any career as well as for for other classes. I’m a fine arts minor, so I have taken animation, music, digital drawing, […]