The Edge Podcast – Episode 1: Reganne O’Brien of Gutless Guys & Girls

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Scholarship, awareness, support and much more. Gutless Guys & Girls’ founder and president and Woman Making History award nominee Reganne O’Brien sits down with Edge podcaster Teddy Rankin to talk about the evolution of her organization that brings students with similar medical conditions like Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis together for support and community fellowship. Learn more about […]

New Year, New Opportunities at the RWC

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The 2017 Spring Semester is now underway here at Gannon University; have you been living up to your New Year’s Resolutions? Good for U – Gannon University’s wellness initiative – wants you to forget the hype of New Year’s Resolutions, and set a goal instead! A New Year’s Resolution is typically an idea or desire […]

Text my Facebook and tweet me on Google+

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Dear [Redacted] readers: Thank you for trying to get in touch with me. Unfortunately, you failed to follow protocol. I’ve come up with a list of digital prioritization to let people know how to contact me (or really anyone). Phone call: Only use this if a) you’re dying, b) you need something right this second […]

Pop some tags: A thrift shopper’s guide

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I’m sure while walking around campus you have heard someone sing, “I’m gonna pop some tags, only got $20 in my pocket.” Macklemore had it right, but he’s a little behind on the trend. Thrifting is not just a way to shop or save money, but something everyone should take seriously. It’s something I take […]

Four point O-verconfident

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4.0 is the sum of 3.0 and 1.0, and also 2.0 and 2.0, and also 1.7 and 2.3, and also a lot of hard work. It’s also the GPA my dad and I agreed I needed to get for the remainder of my time at Gannon. It’s also the GPA I got last semester. This […]

Photo of the Week: Thinking about Christmas

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All of Gannon is getting decorated for the holidays and the various departments are no exception. The psychology lounge is decked out in snowflakes, presents and its very own Christmas tree! Want to see your photo here? You can submit them by posting them on Gannon’s Facebook page. You can also use Twitter or Instagram to […]

Introducing: Photo of the Week

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As much as we love writing here at Edge, a picture is worth a thousand words. And we want to see yours! Introducing “Photo of the Week,” a new feature on Edge. Every Monday we’ll post a student-submitted, Gannon-related photo on Edge. It can be of anything: an on-campus event, your acceptance letter, you wearing […]

Prep U for GU: How to Combat Homesickness

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For many students, college means traveling, whether you’re home is across the county or across the country. Even students who are not typically prone to homesickness may find themselves longing for home occasionally. There are a few ways to keep this pesky feeling at bay.

Prep U for GU: Packing Essentials

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Packing for college can be hectic and stressful, especially if you’re as disorganized as I tend to be. I remember as I was packing my room went from a typical bedroom to something that closely resembled a disaster zone. Hopefully my advice can help you prevent that scene from occurring in your room.

Sage Wisdom from a Graduating Gannon Senior

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Well it’s here…my last blog. I’ll be experiencing a lot of lasts this month since graduation is less than three weeks away. All those seniors out there (high school or not) know exactly what I’m talking about.