Leaving home and going back again

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I feel like Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz.” No, I’m not confused about my gender; I’m talking about my journey through college. Let’s pretend that college is Oz. At the beginning, both are terrifying with all the new places, new people, and usually no one immediately around to help. Suddenly, you’re not in Kansas […]

Backstage and on-stage adventures

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1. To create the look of stained glass windows for the Schuster Theatre’s production “Lives of the Saints,” the crew and I used shower liners and paint.  2 & 3. Over fall break, I went with students from the theatre and English departments to Staunton, Va. to visit the American Shakespeare Center. We saw five […]

Fall break for a Shakespeare geek

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It’s currently fall break on Gannon’s campus, so the streets of Erie are much quieter than usual. Many students have headed home, but I did not. This year, I’m headed to Staunton, Va. to visit the American Shakespeare Center with the theatre and English departments. We’re seeing five plays, mostly ones that aren’t traditionally produced or are […]

7 ways to make the most of fall break

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After hitting the books hard for over a month, college students enjoy a break. At Gannon, fall break runs Oct. 10-14. Here are seven ideas for unwinding during your time off: 1. Catch a game.  Whether you are at home or at Gannon, there are plenty of fall sports to check out.  Go to a […]

Sci-Guy Braces for Something Wicked

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“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.” This line from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” pretty accurately describes my life at the moment. Between fall break and November 5th I have 4 midterms, a 10 minute psychology project, final preparations for and putting on Stage Fright and Homecoming. Add this to my already busy […]

7 Ways to Make the Most of Fall Break

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For Gannon students, Fall Break gives you a chance to catch your breath mid-semester. Some students relax, some use the time to work, and some even hit the highway. Here are some of the ways to spend your Fall Break. 1. Hang out with your family. Seriously. They miss you a lot more than you […]

Fall Break, Homecoming and Greek Theatre(?)

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It’s hard to believe that it’s October! You can definitely tell that it’s fall, but it’s still nice enough to walk around between classes. As it is now the middle of the semester, most of my classes are getting ready for midterm exams. While I’m not too worried about any particular exam, I know that […]

Prep U for GU: What Not to Pack

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So you’re getting ready for college, and packing is — of course — an important step. You’ve probably looked around your room to identify what is essential to bring with you (and if you’re like some college students — myself included — everything seems essential). Sometimes, though, it’s easier to identify what not to bring […]

Eternal Sunshine: Back Again and Ready for More

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Another fall break has come and gone, complete with the obligatory ‘lets-do-lunch’ texts to every person you ever knew in high school, the time with family and nearly-full week of ZERO classes. That last part is probably my favorite. But while I spent most of the time trying to just recharge my batteries, I also […]