Yosemite National Park

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Hello fellow travelers! If you have done any research into National Parks at all, you know that there are certain parks that are practically required for you to go to. These parks are the “Ivy Colleges” of the National Park System, if you will. I would easily say that one of the top 3 in […]

Tee Goes Print!

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Going through college as a public relations and advertising communication major, I have taken the time to identify my weaknesses. One of these is the mechanics of my writing. I personally love to write and have a lot of content ideas that I am passionate about, but my grammar could improve. With that being known, […]

Another Trip To Athens

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Athens, Greece is a landmark with ancient buildings that not only are wonderful to capture, but are historically valuable from a tourists point of view. If I could go visit these historical monuments tomorrow, I would be arriving on my plane today. This place is not only just of historical value, but from a tourists […]


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If you come to school and decide to start cooking instead of eating within the school’s food facilities, you might be a little nervous, especially if you have never cooked before. Personally, this is my first-year cooking on campus, and I was nervous too! So, from doing some research and making food myself, I found […]

The Benefits of Planting Trees

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Hey, everyone! Welcome back to my blog! While this blog is not criminal justice-related, this is a very important topic, especially with our world becoming more sustainable. I’m taking a break to discuss this topic because of the conversations and issues currently being discussed.  Some of these issues include water pollution, the wildfires across the […]

5 Things Under $25 To Get You Through College

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As a college student, it can be hard when money is tight and you need something to get through the semester. So, I made a list of 5 things under $25 that will makes your experience better without breaking the bank! The student schedule has many late nights and early mornings, so caffeine is a […]

Make Life Goals, Not New Year’s Goals

1543 Views 0 Comment
    Something that I have noticed at the beginning of each and every year is that people come up with goals that are very ambitious. Some of these are great goals that you are able to keep up with throughout the year, however, many of these goals are almost impossible to stick to. The […]

First is Florence!

1232 Views 0 Comment
Hello Everyone, My name is Jason Wood and this will be my first post here on the Gannon Edge website. My interests include social media, writing, and vlogging as well. I feel that social media is a way for me to express my creativities and for me to have my followers relate to my lifestyle. […]

The First Step to Becoming an NFL Publicist

1649 Views 0 Comment
Hello everyone! Welcome to my first written post to my blog. Today was the day I started my new job at the Gannon Edge. This job is a work-study through Gannon University that will be a resource more like a laboratory to pour out my creative ideas. I believe this will allow good creative content […]